As well as the battles and panel sessions, the conference will comprise contributed talks and a poster session. We strongly encourage the submission of abstracts for our poster session or contributed talks. Please use either the MSWord or LaTeX templates provided. Once the abstract has been prepared, please convert the document to PDF and upload below. The abstract submission deadline is the 19th of May.
Full name (including title): Email address: Company / affiliation: Full postal address: Contact telephone number:
Please note: We have secured an EPJD “young researcher attendance grant" ( to partly fund the contributed speakers' travel expenses. We intend to pay up to EUR300 for each selected participant and will prioritize graduate students coming from the Global South or under-funded regions. If you would like to apply, please drop us an email (either at [email protected] or [email protected]) quoting your registration confirmation code and writing a brief paragraph about why you should be awarded the travel grant.